• Because...

    if you set your price too high, you lose the client

    if you set your price too low, you leave money on the table







    A really useful app to work out the right price to quote

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    Apple App Store ratings

    As at April 2023

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    1,500+ active users

    As at March 2023

  • Users of the app report they derive prices, on average, 5 to 10% higher than their original estimates and still win the work. Key reasons: [1] they have priced more objectively, and [2] they have more confidence in their pricing conversations.

  • Read a glowing review of the app in law.com - #1 legal website in the world.

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    George Beaton

    Executive Chair

    "New, easy, clever app to calculate the ‘right’ fixed price."

  • How it works

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  • LATEST: the app can now be used on new Apple laptops and desktops using the M1 chip. Search 'Price High or Low' in the Apple App Store.

  • What does it cost

    The app is offered with a 7-day free trial and a monthly subscription thereafter.

    You can cancel the subscription at any stage.


    US$8.99 / month


    £7.99 /


    A$9.99 / month

    Rest of world

    Visit App Store

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    Law Institute of Victoria (Australia) Journal

    Review of Price High or Low App

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    Feature #1

    Tailor to your needs

    Pick the criteria most relevant to you, your clients and the project you're pricing

  • The app is priced at $US8.99 / month in the USA. The exchange rates used for pricing in other countries are set by Apple.

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    What's our story

    I’m a strategy consultant based in Melbourne, Australia.


    Most of my consulting engagements are quoted upfront. Setting the ‘right’ fixed price is often a challenge because value is different for every client and for every project.


    To address this issue, I developed an Excel-based algorithm to take account of qualitative factors like client needs, competition, risk and strategic opportunity.


    I decided to convert my algorithm into an app - PRICE HIGH OR LOW.


    Happy pricing.

    Joel Barolsky


    Managing Director of Barolsky Advisors

    Senior Fellow of the University of Melbourne

    Member of the Australian Legal Technology Association

    Opinion writer for the Australian Financial Review

    Twitter: @Barolsky

    LinkedIn: joelbarolsky

  • What's new on our blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

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    Where to get it

    • On your iOS device, click on the black rectangular button below or type 'price high or low" in the App Store search function
    • The app is only available for use on Apple iPhones, iPads and on new Apple laptops and desktops using M1 chips. 

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  • Who to contact


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  • What to note

    The "Suggested price" figure calculated in the PRICE HIGH OR LOW app should not be taken as professional advice, but merely as indicative. The final pricing decision rests with the user(s). Barolsky Advisors Pty Ltd accepts no warranty, takes no responsibility, and seeks no benefit from any pricing decisions made by users.

    Terms and Privacy Policy

    Barolsky Advisors Pty Ltd ("us", "we", or "our") operates the Price High or Low mobile application (the "Service"). This page informs you of our terms of use and policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when you use our Service. By using the Service, you agree to these terms and the privacy policy.



    The "Suggested price" figure calculated in the PRICE HIGH OR LOW app should not be taken as professional advice but merely as indicative. The final pricing decision rests with the user(s). Barolsky Advisors Pty Ltd accepts no warranty, takes no responsibility, and seeks no benefit from any pricing decisions made by users. The PRICE HIGH OR LOW website mentions that some users experience, on average, a 5 to 10% price gain by using the Service. Barolsky Advisors Pty Ltd does not warrant or guarantee in any way that any other past, current or future users will achieve similar benefits.



    Use of Personal Information

    No data about your pricing decisions, your choice of criteria, your weightings, your preferred currency, nor your stored templates are transferred to an external database in the cloud or any other external storage device. This information is stored on your phone and can be permanently deleted at any time. Some of this data may be stored when you do personal backups of all the data on your device.


    As the platform provider, Apple may capture and store some personal information about your use of the app, This includes frequency and duration of use, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser you use and other statistics ("Log Data"). Apple provides not provide us with this personal information, but merely a summary of all app users.


    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.


    Last updated: 7 September 2021